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快進撃続くPOLYVINYLですが、追い討ちをかけて凄リリースです。Owen、Joan of ArcMake BelieveThe Love of Everything収録の豪華4組収録の7インチ(2枚組)がリリースされます。全曲新曲です!CD派の方もレコードプレーヤー用意しておいてくださいね!アナログですので大きなオンラインストアでは扱いなさそうですのでうちに予約ください(笑)。6/7発売です。タイトルは"The Assosiation of Utopian Hologram Swallowers"です。POLYVINYL/RECORD LABEL/FlAMESHOVELのレーベル間での関係もなんか微笑ましいですね。今後リリースされるMAKE BELIEVEのアルバムはCDはFLAME SHOVEL、アナログはPOLYVINYLですし。

Posted by stiffslack (2005. 04/14)


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Edmonton dominated the Carolina Hurricanes on Saturday night and the 4-0 margin in Game 6 makes it hard to imagine the Oilers not hoisting hockey's Holy Grail above their heads in less than 48 hours. And it would not come as any shock to see defenseman Chris Pronger, who had another 31-minute night, take the honors for the Conn Smythe Trophy as the playoff MVP.

Posted by annelannise (2006. 06/22)

Edmonton dominated the Carolina Hurricanes on Saturday night and the 4-0 margin in Game 6 makes it hard to imagine the Oilers not hoisting hockey's Holy Grail above their heads in less than 48 hours. And it would not come as any shock to see defenseman Chris Pronger, who had another 31-minute night, take the honors for the Conn Smythe Trophy as the playoff MVP.

Posted by alikealie (2006. 06/22)