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Constants interview
in japanese
〈ORION〉バンド名って言うのはそのバンドの事を表しているんじゃないかな。“CONSTANTS”はコンスタントリーにツアーに出て、音楽を演って、お酒を飲んでいるしね。メンバーはみんなバンド第一で、自分たちのことは後回しなんだ。僕らはおもしろい場所や、クールなライブハウスで長年聞いてきたようなバンド達とプレイできるし報われてるよ。例えばThe Life and Timesとかね。彼らのことは本当に大好きで、Shiner時代から聞いてたんだ。
:今作The Foundation, The Machine, The Ascensionを製作するに当たってのエピソード
〈ORION〉すごく色んなことがあったからな。アルバム完成までに3年かかって、その間に2人のメンバーを失っているからね。何曲かデモを録ったんだけど、今聴くと結構おもしろくてさ。デモのほとんどをコネチカットの地下室で録ったんだけど、かなりキマってるんだ(笑)残りのデモはモンタナ州のウィリストンで、こっちはシラフなわけだけど(笑)そのすぐ後にアリゾナ州のフェニックスで何曲かやったんだ。ウィルのボーカルはツアーバスの移動中に録った。その間にギターのJon Hassellと、オリジナル・ドラマーのDuncan Richが抜けてさ。僕らは前回のレコーディングから音楽性をかなり変えていたしね。僕は新作に自信があるからリリースが待ち通しくて仕方ないよ!“The Foundation, The Machine, The Ascension”完成までの道のりは、とにかくすごく長かったな。
〈WILL〉新作の完成までにたくさんの経験を積んだよ。曲を書いている間、楽しいこともあったけど、早く終わらせたいとか諦めようと思うこともあった。このレコーディングが僕らに与えた影響は大きいよ。ロブがレコーディングに集中するころには、生活にレコーディングが浸透しきっていたしね。正直言うと、今回のレコーディングは今までで一番嫌になった。もともとミックスは自分たちの手でやりたいって思っていたんだけど、やり始めた所でもっと客観性が必要なんじゃないかって気付いて、友達のJames Dunhamに助けを求めたんだ・・・。
〈WILL〉リリックではストーリー性かな。特に、曲によってリスナーが想像力を膨らませることができるようなリリックであることだね。えば“The Machine”って言葉を聞いた時、すぐにイメージが浮かぶと思うんだけど、同じように演奏を聴いている時にもイメージが浮かぶようにってことを意識しているよ。
:なぜ今作は自分のレーベルRadarからではなくThe Mylene Sheathからリリースするのか
〈WILL〉マイク(from Junius)と僕がRaderを始めたのは、もっと多くの人に僕らのバンドを知ってもらうためだった。僕らは早くから数字の強みを知っていたからね。それにコミュニティ内のバンドが大好きだったからリリースを始めたんだよ。だけど何年かツアーをしたり、Raderにバンドを入れた後で、僕たちはレーベルでリリースしたレコードと同じように自分たちのバンドをプロモーションすることに難しさを感じたんだ。レーベルの人間としては他のバンドのリリースに専念したいし、コンスタンツのメンバーとしては曲を書くことに専念したかった。そんな時Mylene Sheathと話し始めて、彼らがRaderと同じベースを持っていることを知ったんだ。コミュニティを大事にしているし、正直でよく働く・・・そして何より音楽を愛してるってことにね。自分が大好きなことに夢中になれる、って言うのが僕にとってのすべてだからさ。Mylene Sheathと話すほど、彼らにUSリリースを任せることの意味を感じたんだ。本当によくしてもらったよ!
〈Rob〉Mylene Sheathは早い段階からアルバムのリリースに声をかけてくれてたんだ。このアルバムを自分たちでリリースするのに、十分な時間と注意を払うのは難しかったと思う。僕らはいつもツアーに出たりしているから。もしウィルがリリースしていたら、きっと頭がおかしくなっちゃってたよ。僕とロブも近いうちにそうなっていただろうしね。
Mylene Sheathは僕たちがしようとしていたことを全部わかってくれて、それをやってくれた。Mylene Sheathのジョエルとリンゼイは“DIY”のコミュニティで会った中でも、特に優しさと才能に溢れているよ。僕らのやりたい事に気をかけてくれる2人と仕事ができてすごく嬉しいよ!
〈WILL〉これ以上嬉しいことはないよ!STIFF SLACKは今までShiner, The Mercury Program, The Life and Timeとか僕の大好きなバンドや、親友のLook Mexicoを手がけているしね。Raderは前にSTIFF SLACKと仕事をしたことがあるんだけど、僕たちの音楽が広くリリースされるはすごくクールだった!そのおかげでJ. BroadrickとD. Jamiesonのリミックスをボーナス・トラックに加えることができたしね。
〈ORION〉ボストン・ハードコアはずっと聴き続けているよ。あとBlack SabbathとSunny Day Real Estateも外せないね。どっちも全然違うサウンドのバンドだけど、一緒に時を過ごして来たんだ。今はMeshuggahとM83を聴いているしね(笑)
〈WILL〉そうだな・・・Yes, Tool, The Cancer Conspiracy, King Crimson。
〈ROB〉CONSTANTSに加入したときはJaw Breakerをずっと聴いていたよ。
〈ORION〉King Crimson, Sunny Day Real Easte ・・・でもバンドを始めたきっかけってわけじゃないかな。
〈WILL〉CaspianやJunius、それにIrepreeがいて、すごくいいシーンになっていると思うよ。そのシーンの中にいれるのはすごくラッキー!それに僕らはIsis, Cave In, Convergeとか、グレートなバンドを観て育ってきたわけだしね。若いクリエイティヴな精神に溢れたグレートな街だよ。
:自分のレーベルRadar Recordsや、その所属バンドについての関係
:あなた達のサウンドは「The Appleseed Cast 」meets「ISIS」、もしくはCave In(Jupiter)の再来とも比較、比喩されていますが、それについて
〈ROB〉IsisとCave Inって言うのはボストンがルーツにだしね。
〈WILL〉未来についてはあんまり話したくないな。だって何が起こるかなんて分からないだろ?でもたぶん“The Foundation, The Machine, The Ascension”で出来るだけたくさんのツアーに出て、さらなる「強力なレコードを作るだろうね。僕自身はこれからも曲を書いたり演奏を続けるよ。それだけがこの世で唯一の正しき道だからさ・・・
in english
:What does your band name "CONSTANTS" come?
WILL: Originally, we had a much longer name and people just started
referring to us as 'Constants', so when we finished our first record,
we just left out the rest of the name. It's certainly taken on more
of a meaning, and it's become something of a rallying point for the
band as the years have passed. To me, it says that we work really
hard to always stay focused and moving forward. We write songs and
play sets that normally have very few breaks, so the music is constant.
ORION: I suppose the name has always been very matter of fact in describing
the band as a whole. We constantly tour, do work, and drink. We put our
collective lives into this band and take very little for
ourselves. We are rewarded with getting to play interesting places, rad
venues, and with bands that we have been listening to for years. For
instance The Life and Times, I love that band so much and had
listened to Shiner before. We are just constantly putting 110% into
progressing as a band on every level.
:Please tell me some episodes when you made new album "The Foundation, The Machine, The Ascension".
Well there are so many stories because the album took three years and
two lost band members to create. We have batches and batches of demoes
that are pretty funny to listen to now. Mostly because some were
recorded in a Connecticut basement on an assortment of pills and some were
recorded in a garage in Williston, MT stone sober. Then we did some in
Phoenix at a borrowed practice space during the hottest part of the summer
drinking piss poor whiskey. Will recorded some vocals while we were
driving the bus on tour too. Gaining then losing Jon Hassell (guitar) and
having to replace the original drummer, Duncan Rich, also steered us in
different musical directions compoared to our previous records. Im just
excited and ready to finally fucking release it
because Im proud of it. Its been such a long road with this one.
WILL: We got to see a lot of aspects of ourselves during this process. There were lots of moments of being very pleased during the writing process, but there were definitely points where we just wanted it to end, or to just give up. In a lot of ways this record felt very important to us, so by the time Rob got involved it had already taken on a life of its own. I can honestly say that recording this album was some of the most frustrated I've ever been. Originally we wanted to mix it ourselves, but after starting, I realized that we needed a new perspective so we brought in our friend James Dunham to help. We wrote parts of this album in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Montana, Boston, Connecticut and every where between, some of it as early as 2005. When you spend this much time on anything, you tend to set the bar high for yourself and we talked about different ideas and direction a lot.
:What is the theme or concept of it?
ORION: Musically I think everyone will agree the major theme is flow. We have
grown so much as song writers since the last record. We definitely
focused on condensing our ideas and making our mathy stuff flow better
from part to part better.
WILL: Lyrically it does tell a story, but it is more about putting broad themes out there and letting the listener explore those ideas with the music. When I say "The Machine", immediately, some image appears in your mind, and when you press play for that part of the record, you at at a visual starting point that we established.
:Why is it a trilogy?
WILL: I'm a big fan of numerology, and the number three is sacred to this band. Originally, there were three members and we formed in 2003. We put out our third release in 2006, and now this full length - again as a trio in 2009. I build a lot of the songs around triads and this part of the concept grew around those ideas.
ORION: Its a whole trifecta complex we've developed.
:Were there any hardships when you made it?
WILL: During the writing process we lost our founding drummer Duncan as well as guitarist Jon. Both were amicable, but those situations made for lots of setbacks, and we were left to re-evaluate the band and our songwriting process much more often that I would have liked. When your best friends are walking away from something that you've been working on for a year or two, you can start to second guess yourself. But in the end we were able to find a much stronger grounding, and with the addition of Rob I feel as though we were able to find a focus and center for this record that is unlike anything we've found in the past.
Rob: I mean, I pretty much dropped my life in New Mexico to jump on the bus and join this band and begin a life of being perpetually broke and occasionally homeless. It's been unbelievably fun, incredibly stressful, and moderately terrifying all at once.
ORION: Loosing Duncan and Jon was definetly the hardest part. However having Rob move to Boston from New Mexico and play drums has been amazing. We've
been working hard since then to stay a three piece and still have a super
thick sound. Being a bass player working with Rob
continues to excite me about the future of CONSTANTS rhythmically.
:Why did you release it from "The Mylene Sheath", not your own label "Radar"?
WILL: Originally when Mike (from Junius) and I started Radar it was to help our bands find a larger audience. We knew early on that there was strength in numbers, and of course we loved all the bands in our community so it only made sense to start putting out records. After years of touring and adding bands to the Radar community, we both decided that it was a conflict of interests to be promoting our own bands in the same way as the records we were releasing. As a label, I'd rather focus on releases from other bands, and as a member of Constants, I'd rather be able to focus on song writing and touring. When we started talking to the Mylene Sheath, we really felt that they were coming from the same place as Radar - very community based; honest, hard working, and really, just loving the music they were working with. To me that is what this is all about; just getting involved in something you are passionate for. The more we talked with them, the more sense it made to have them handle the US release. They've been great to us so far.
Rob: They actually approached us very early on about releasing this
record. It would have been pretty difficult to devote the proper time and attention
to release the record ourselves, seeing how we're constantly working/touring. Will
would have driven himself absolutely insane, and we would have gone totally broke
very quickly. Mylene Sheath was able to step in and do exactly what we would have done
and then some. Joel and Lindsay from Mylene Sheath are two of the sweetest, most
genuine people i've met in the DIY community. We're super excited to be working with
someone that actually gives a shit about what we're doing.
:What do you think about Japan-release?
WILL: I couldn't be more excited. Stiff Slack has released some of my favorite records of all time (Shiner, The Mercury Program, The Life and Times), and some of our best friends bands as well (Look Mexico). Radar has worked with Stiff Slack in the past, and it's just really cool to see our music getting such a wide release. it also gave us an excuse to add some serious 'bonus tracks'; remixes from J. Broadrick (Jesu) and Philip Jamieson (Caspian)
Rob: It's pretty awesome to more or less be label mates with some of our
favorite bands.
:What do you think of the tracks which was remixed by Jesu and Caspian?
WILL: I've been a fan of Justin Broadrick since I was a kid. I got to meet him a couple years ago at SXSW in Austin, TX and I got in touch with him about doing a remix. We had good conversation, and I feel like he is one of the few people in the music world that I don't need to have an explanation for. He sort of knows what I'm thinking because so much of my musical history comes from him. It would be like trying to play chess against yourself, but your opponent has 20+ years experience on you. It just doesn't get any better than getting to hear how Justin re-invents your music. It's humbling and inspirational. Having Phil from Caspian do a remix was really cool as well. As part of our 'brother band' here in Boston, Phil gets to see Constants in a way that I wish I could. We've toured with Caspian a lot - and I've even toured with Caspian playing guitar. Phil has added guitar tracks to our music before, so for this I just said 'pick a song and see what happens', and he did a great job. It's so much more sad and engrossing than the original, which I love.
Rob: We're all pretty huge fans of Justin Broadrick's music. Will and I have
definately geeked out about Godflesh after a few beers on a few occasions.
It's pretty crazy to hear how someone you grew up listening to re-interpreting
your own art. Phil from Caspian is one of our closest friends, and we're super
excited to have been able to make him a part of this record in some way.
:I think this time you made it sound like Rockfeeling or Atmospheric.
Besides it links to Shoegaze band.Why did you do like that?
WILL: We never set out to write anything specific. We try to write what we hear in our mind's eye, and we write a lot. So for me, it is the editing process and trying to make it all fit together that is a challenge. I'm not sure, but I agree, this record is definitely more shoegaze. That was never what we tried to do, it just happened that way.
:What do you care about most in the guitar sound.
WILL: That's a great question and it isn't easy to answer. I'm more interested in production than being a really technical guitar player, so the best answer I can give is that I try to challenge myself with different ideas of what 'good tone' can be. Each album I record - be it for Constants or another band, I try to achieve something unique, and hopefully as good as the last idea. For this record I wanted it to be very dense. Going from 2 guitar players down to one, it was difficult to not hear things as a wide stereo, harmonized sound. So I had to do some creative tone shaping to fill in the void. I wanted to avoid some of the more 'indie' sounds I had done in the past, so this time I didn't use any mics on the guitars. I was able to find some really cold, harsh tones that I think work very well with the material and add a unique, individual sense of space that you can't get when you throw a mic up in a room.
Rob: Wide open and crushing, like the hand of god wiping out the
countryside in one motion.
ORION: Thick, lush, delicious distortion.
:I think your roots is in the Hardcore music. What was the reason you changed the sound.
WILL: If anything, we wanted this record to be heavier. Previous to recording, we toured for months and months at a time. Almost a year straight in 2006. At the end of all the touring, we wanted to write something less complicated. A record that could just grab you instantly and then lure you in with it's complexity the more you listened. That was the idea anyway. For me it is all still very DIY - maybe just because we handled most of the recording ourselves and wrote so much of it it basements and garages. But we are older now, and we've accomplished certain things with our music, so for me, it's only logical to try something completely different each time we make a record. When we play live, there's more room now for us to move around and get lost in the atmosphere of the music, whereas with the last record it was more technical so we had to stare at our instruments more. For me this record is a good balance of the two - technical playing and huge washes of sound.
Rob: We're definately influenced by hardcore and punk rock, but more so in
our business ethics and the way we operate our band rather than the music itself.
ORION: I listened to some Boston hardcore for maybe a year but it never
really stuck. I listened to more Black Sabboth and Sunny Day Real Estate.
I just hung out between the spectrum of those two bands. Now I listen to
a lot of Meshuggah and M83, haha.
:If you categorize your sound, which genre it belongs to?
WILL: We get this question a lot, but I'm not sure. Post-rock, post-prog, neo-prog - when someone asks me, I say loud rock.
ORION: Ambient rock
:What do you think of lyrics?
WILL: Without the lyrics this music wouldn't have the same drive and emotion as it does. I've always
found that when I read the lyrics to a song I really like, they are
never quite what I've been hearing in my head, and the actual lyrics
become somewhat of a dissapointment which is why I don't like talking about lyrics or making them obvious to the listener. Their intention is important to the music, but not the center piece. They provide a broad focus to the songs and help to provide continuity from song to song, making the album a complete idea.
:When you started "Constants", which band were you influenced by?
WILL: Hum, Yes, Tool, The Cancer Conspiracy, King Crimson
Rob: When I joined I was listening to a lot of Jawbreaker...
ORION: King Crimson and Sunny Day Real Estate but I didn't start the band...
:What do you think of the scene in your hometown Boston?
WILL: Bands like Caspian, Junius and Irepress, it's an amazing scene that we're lucky to be a part of. We got to come up seeing bands like Isis, Cave In and Converge and so many other great bands. It's a great city filled with a lot of young creative minds.
Rob: Pretty much anything you're looking for is in Boston. I'm
particularly proud of our family of bands (Caspian, Junius, Irepress).
:Please tell me about your label "Radar Records" and its bands.
WILL: Radar started as a way for a small community of bands in Boston to release their music. It's grown into a philisophy and has taught us quite a bit about how the music 'industry' works. We release albums that we love, and that has helped us to develop into a label without limitation, and we've achieved things that when we started I'm not sure any of us thought possible.
ORION: It includes my core group of friends. Its an alliance of dudes that
want to see where we can take our music and where our music can take
us collectively
:You stay in the bus and make a tour by using gas which is make from used oil, what is the policy of that?
ORION: We converted a 66 passenger school bus to run on Waste Vegetable Oil
in 2006. We collect oil from restaurants on tour and filter it to use
in conjunction with our custom veggie-oil system. Its free and green!
WILL: Over the past several years we have become big advocates of renewable and sustainable energy.
:What is the advantage and disadvantage of "DIY"?
WILL: The only disadvantage of DIY is being broke. Otherwise, we've always made our own decisions, booked our own tours, made our own records, etc and I wouldn't change anything. All the hard work is what makes doing this worthwhile. This album will be the first time that we have outside support from labels, so I'm very curious to see what will happen next. We are leaving for our first European tour (the first tour we haven't booked for ourselves EVER), so it definitely feels like a step forward, but at the same time I don't think we'll ever be a band that isn't all about DIY.
ORION: I think the overall mentality of DIY is essential. However Doing It
Together (DIT) through networking broadens the horizon. Like two heads
are better than one, ya know?
:What do you usually do?
Rob: Work, drink, sleep, and anxiously wait around to go on tour.
ORION: I was working at a bar but recently quit. We paint houses as a band
and spend a lot of time during the summer outside. Actually right now
we are staining a huge deck at a house on a private beach, nice!
:Have you ever been to Japan? If not, what do you think of Japan?
WILL: I've never been to Japan, but I picture it like the first time I saw Ghost in the Machine, or Ex Machina - lots of robots everywhere. I'm kidding. But I wish there were giant robots everywhere. Really, I'm really interested in eastern culture and it's definitely in my top 10 places to go next, so I hope to tour or visit Japan in the next couple of years.
Rob: I haven't been, but I'm definitely excited to go there eventually.
ORION: I have never been but Im looking forward to 40's in vending machines.
:It is said that your sound is compared to "The Appleseed Cast" meets "ISIS", or take over the style of CAVE IN "Jupiter", what do you think of about it?
WILL: Those are big compliments to me. I've always felt that our music falls somewhere in between that kind of atmospheric indie rock and post metal, so any time we are compared to bands that I listen to, I appreciate the comparison.
Rob: I mean, Isis and Cave In have their roots in Boston. Maybe there's
something in the water out here?
ORION: Well I love all those bands in addition to many more so I'll take it
as a compliment. Our sound has been developing exponentially since the
last record so I'm curious to hear what the critics and my friends
think of the new one.
:Please tell me your vision from now on.
WILL: I don't feel that comfortable talking about the future because it is hard to say what will happen next, but we are going to tour on this new album as much as possible and then make another even stronger record. I will continue to write and play music because it is the only thing that makes sense in this world.
Rob: More or less the same it's always been: have fun and keep progressing.
ORION: Continue to grow as musicians and as a band with Rob and Will. We are
all very determined, almost to a fault, to see something come out of
all our hard work!
:Please give your message to the listeners in Japan!!
Rob: Hopefully, we'll see you soon!
ORION: Lets hang out!!
Posted by stiffslack (2009. 06/25) | Trackback (0)

09.06.15 on sale
inc. 5songs /1000yen (tax in)
limited 300copies
track listing:
1. OM-D4
4. 23-46
5. SS
about this band/release:
関西発のフリーフォームインストトリオ、TALKING DEAD GOATS"45の5曲入りファーストEP。オーバーダブを行わずリアルタイムでいくつものギターリフを重ね構築していくギタリストの手腕、ポリリズミックなリズム、難解なサウンドスタイルとそこはかとなく感じさせるポップネスを内包させた奇怪かつインテリジェンスな音像は圧倒的!そして、このリリースを機に飽和/過食したシーンへ一石を投じる事となるだろう。音源から良い意味で裏切る激しいライブパフォーマンスも、このバンドの醍醐味のひとつ。
stiffslack CD-R series、限定300枚、ナンバリング入り。
for fans of:
Posted by stiffslack (2009. 06/05) | Trackback (0)